• How to boost your mental toughness in a triathlon race?

    Triathlons are challenging, demanding sports that require not only physical strength but also mental toughness. As an athlete, you need to swim, bike, and run long distances while pushing yourself to the limit. How to build that mental resilience which…

  • What are the best pacing strategies for triathletes?

    Triathlons are a physically demanding sport that require careful planning and preparation. This is to ensure you perform at your best. One of the key elements of a successful triathlon is pacing yourself. If you start too fast, you’ll burn…

  • Can altitude training make you a better triathlete?

    Are you planning to compete in a high altitude triathlon? If so, you may be wondering how the reduced oxygen levels at high elevations will affect your performance. Altitude can have a significant impact on a triathlete’s performance, as the…

  • 9 important things to know for your first triathlon 

    Are you preparing for your first triathlon and feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety? You’re not alone! Triathlons can be both challenging and rewarding, but also overwhelming, especially for first-time triathletes. Competing in a triathlon requires a significant amount…

  • Can CrossFit make you a better triathlete?

    CrossFit has become a popular method of strength and conditioning for many athletes, but is it a good fit for triathletes? In this post, we will explore the pros and cons of incorporating CrossFit into a triathlete’s training schedule to…